Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lost and Found

Lost in the past.
For so many years.
Yearning for that same feeling,
Memories that were still so real.
It has taken some years
to reconcile with the past;
To finish the unfinished,
To finally say goodbye.
I sit here this morning
listening to the birds
and treefrogs singing,
the sun warming my face
as I look to the sky.
Like the clouds moving
Across the vast heavenly plains,
I realize I can
let my clouds go
Send them on their way,
let the past go
and live for today.
I am here now
A part of this day,
not yesterday,
not last year.
I will live today
and now every day
because I have buried the past
and I have found today.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Grief - It's the same....

I once had a first love. From the time I was 11 until the day he died 13 years later after having a beautiful marriage and a very beautiful daughter... if only he had gotten to see grow up...she was only 8 months old when he passed. It has been many years later and recently I was very much expecting another baby; at 42 years old now! I have just lost my baby. My baby that I never got to hold; only saw through a screen. The hurt is the same when you love someone with all your heart; just as I loved that baby growing inside me and the man I loved so much. Grief is the same...only memories are different...



Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Best Day

Today, when I awoke,
I suddenly realized that this
is the best day of my life, ever!
There were times when I wondered
if I would make it to today; but I did!
And because I did I'm going to celebrate!
Today, I'm going to celebrate
what an unbelievable life
I have had so far:
the accomplishments, the many blessings,
and, yes, even the hardships
because they have
served to make me stronger.
I will go through this day
with my head held high,
and a happy heart.
I will marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts:
the morning dew, the sun, the clouds,
the trees, the flowers, the birds.
Today, none of these miraculous creations
will escape my notice.
Today, I will share my excitement
for life with other people.
I'll make someone smile.
I'll go out of my way to perform
an unexpected act of kindness
for someone I don't even know.
Today, I'll give a sincere compliment
to someone who seems down.
I'll tell my child how special she is,
and how deeply I care for her
and how much she means to me.
Today is the day I quit worrying
about what I don't have
and start being grateful
for all the wonderful things
God has already given me.
I'll remember that to worry
is just a waste of time
because my faith in God and his Divine Plan
ensures everything will be just fine.
And tonight, before I go to bed,
I'll go outside and raise my eyes to the heavens.
I will stand in awe at the beauty
of the stars and the moon,
and I will praise God
for these magnificent treasures.
As the day ends
and I lay my head down on my pillow,
I will thank the Almighty
for the best day of my life.
And I will sleep the sleep of a contented child,
excited with expectation because
I know tomorrow is going to be
the best day of my life, ever!
May the stars carry your sadness away,

May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,

May hope forever wipe away your tears,

And, above all, may silence make you strong.

Chief Dan George

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Everyday...undefeated still...

I fight a battle every day
Against discouragement and fear;
Some foe stands always in my way,
The path ahead is never clear!
I must forever be on guard
Against the doubts that skulk along.
I get ahead by fighting hard,
But fighting keeps my spirit strong.
I hear the croaking of Despair,
The dark predictions of the weak;
I find myself pursued by Care,
No matter what the end I seek;
My victories are small and few,
It matters not how hard I strive;
Each day the fight begins anew,
But fighting keeps my hopes alive.
My dreams are spoiled by circumstance,
My plans are wrecked by Fate or Luck;
Some hour, perhaps, will bring my chance,
But that great hour has never struck;
My progress has been slow and hard,I've had to climb and crawl and swim,
Fighting for every stubborn yard,
But I have kept in fighting trim.
I have to fight my doubts away,
And be on guard against my fears;
The feeble croaking of Dismay
Has been familiar through the years;
My dearest plans keep going wrong,
Events combine to thwart my will,
But fighting keeps my spirit strong,
And I am undefeated still!
Beyond Negotiations

Wednesday, December 30, 2009